Insurance broker


Third-party liability insurance

Commercial General Liability – provides cover in a situation when, in connection with his business or assets, the policy holder (his employees) causes damage to a third party, and such damage is attributable to the policy holder. It is also possible to extend the cover to include product liability, employer’s liability, tenant’s liability, environmental liability, liability for property held in storage or for service, etc.

Professional Indemnity – provides insurance protection when, in connection with the performance of professional tasks, the policy holder causes damage to a third party, and such damage is attributable to the policy holder. This insurance product covers pure financial loss (when someone, due to the insured party’s fault, incurred expenses or lost income), damage to property (damaging someone’s assets) and injury (doing harm to someone). This insurance can cover, for instance, third-party liability of translators, currency brokers, advisers, consultants, computer engineers, consulting firms, IT companies, financial institutions, etc.

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